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LP Glass Technologies


There is something that is woven throughout any organization that is somewhat abstract, typically unspoken, but often very observable. While not easy to capture or describe, it is a force so powerful that it guides most decisions and actions within an organization. This force is culture.


Culture is defined as the collective behavior of those within an organization, formed by shared beliefs, habits, systems, values, and vision. Operating largely outside of our awareness, culture creates a common ground for team members, providing a sense of order so that everyone knows what is expected.


At LP Glass Technologies, we are committed to intentionally shaping and maintaining a healthy culture in which our mission can be most successfully accomplished. While many characteristics are involved, there are four core characteristics (cornerstones) that are foundational: excellence, honesty, courage, and love.


Because we’re human, we each fall short in these areas consistently, so we must extend grace to one another.  However, each team member is expected to be fully engaged as we intentionally strive toward these cultural cornerstones. Success does not necessarily mean an absence of mistakes, but it does mean the presence of consistent faith and determination.



Professional.  Experienced.  Responsive. 
Roofing Experts.

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Together at the Top

We design, engineer, fabricate and install glass components and systems; that is what we do. We’ve been blessed with certain abilities and a passion for gathering resources, adding some organization, sprinkling in some diligence and hard work, and creating something that did not exist before. This not only describes what we do but who we are.



We are explorers, at times even pioneers, as we often venture into uncharted territory. Creating something new requires faith and courage, and we believe that we’ve been blessed with both.



At LP Glass Technologies, we are building every day. Whether it is engineering a glass floor system or the culture in which we operate or deepening the vast relationships we enjoy along the way, we commit to striving for excellence in all we do. Our continued focus is that we are able to use our gifts and passions to help others achieve their dreams.



When faced with the decision of what products we choose to create and sell in the marketplace, our options are seemingly unlimited. In the world’s complex matrix of goods and services, we desire for our product to meet three basic criteria:




Pushing the Envelope


Marketplace products can be categorized into two broad categories: commodities and creations. At LP Glass Technologies, we fit perfectly into the creations category, and because of that, we feel we can be a substantial asset to our customers who want something unique and special.




Attention to the Details


Regardless of size and complexity, we approach each project with an intense focus on each and every detail, from the exact type of glass to the most minute details such as the edge of every glass panel and the position of every fastener. We endeavor to “wow” the most discerning clients in all that we do.




Uncompromised Quality


While we endeavor to continually create unique glass solutions while meeting budgets and schedules, we refuse to do so at the expense of quality.  We desire to offer excellence and create proud customers for life.  We consider this to be vital in building true value.

At the end of the day, it is all about relationships. Business is merely a platform that provides us an opportunity to cross paths with many people in the marketplace.​


From employees to partners and clients to vendors and suppliers, we have been granted opportunities to touch thousands of lives!​


The standard in the marketplace is to use people to accomplish a self-centered mission.  At LP Glass Technologies, people are our mission.  We believe it is time for people no longer to be treated as marketplace commodities, but as persons entitled to love and respect.​


Our aim is for all we come into contact with to have a positive and fulfilling experience.  We commit to treating others as we would want to be treated, attempting to put their needs and interest ahead of our own.




Excellence is not to be confused with perfection, but it does refer to doing the best we can with our gifts and God-given abilities.  We commit to leading by example and delivering the best in all that we do. A person who strives for excellence does not give up when he or she makes a mistake and does not avoid a task for fear of failure.  Excellence does not evolve between good and bad, but between good and best and in big and small tasks alike.





So many hours of our days are spent in the workplace—and we want those hours to matter, and we want to find meaning and purpose in our work. It takes courage to show up with your whole self, to risk sharing your story, your ideas, to risk being wrong, to be honest, and to learn new skills. At LP Glass Technologies we want to honor the individual journeys of each team member. As a company, we will take the courage to create a culture where people can truly flourish. We boldly go against the status quo and try new ways of “being and doing” at work. Collective courage is what we need most—people working together with integrity, commitment, and a capacity to cross lines of difference. Without such courage, we risk missing a chance to make things better.





We will commit to keeping our word and taking responsibility for our actions and words. We will be trustworthy with our team members, our customers, our vendors, and our community at large.  When we stand up and take responsibility for our actions in a sincere and humble way, trust in our leadership and company grows. A team that can smile, laugh and extend courtesies to others really does build trust and dependability.





Each of us should look not only to our own interests but also to the interests of others. Unity is a product of love. We will look for ways to look out for each other. We are not asking that our team members love the company like they might love their family or a close friend, but we are asking everyone to treat others well in their actions with kindness and respect. Love is not a feeling; it is an action, and it is done through genuine compassion for others.

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